
Showing posts from April, 2020

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-17 Erika & Team Rocket Hideout Location: Celadon City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-17 Erika & Team Rocket Hideout Location: Celadon City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   They reached to the gaming centre in it they saw team rocket member Red said, where is team rocket hideout Team Rocket Member said, you can’t enter let’s fight Team Rocket Member sends Raticate & Erika sends Vileplume The people in the gaming centre run out of it, Vileplume uses sleep powder & Raticate and team rocket member fall asleep then Red & Erika goes to the team rocket hideout In the hideout they found a man Man said, Hi I am Koga the fuchsia city gym leader and team rocket executer one Red said, ok let’s fight the double pokemon battle Koga sends Weezing & Muk, Red sends Ivysaur and Erika sends Vileplume Koga said, you two have made a big mistake to come in team rocket’s way Red said, let’s see how powerful are you Weezing uses smoke on Red so Red was unable to see a...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-16 Stones Location: Celadon City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-16 Stones   Location: Celadon City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   Finally in celadon city, Red founds a stone shop; he got an idea to evolve his Eevee into Flareon Red goes and buys a fire stone and evolves his Eevee into Flareon After that team rocket member attacks in the shop Team Rocket Member said, give me your all stones Red said; no let’s fight first, Red sends Flareon Team rocket sends Vapoureon Flareon uses ember and Vapoureon uses water gun, Flareon fainted then a women comes there and defeated Vapoureon Team Rocket Member escapes Red said, Thanks but who are you? She said, I am Erika the Celeadon City team leader Red said, let’s fight but Erika disagrees Red said, why? Erika said, because there were many thefts and all those goes to the game corner, it means the team rocket hides in it, so I want you to fight against them Red said, ok let’s go To be continu...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-15 Ghost in Town Location: Lavender Town

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-15 Ghost in Town Location: Lavender Town Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   Finally in Lavender Town, Red saw an old man in the grave yard praying for his doduo Old Man said, Hi I am Fuji Red said, why don’t you bury your pokemon in the pokemon tower Fuji said, because in that tower there is a ghost, the people don’t know that it is a pokemons ghost or a ghost type pokemon Red goes to checkout that tower, in the tower he found blue Blue said, are you here to checkout about the ghost Red said, yes Blue said, I was also here for that but can’t find anything my golduck also here to find about the ghost Red said, wow your new pokemon Blue said, yes, my spearow & machoke also evolved now I am going   Blue goes back to the town for next city After 10 minutes Red encounters a Haunter Red said, so you are the ghost and throws a great ball on haunter Haunter was caught by Re...

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Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-14 Eevee Location: Route 8

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-14 Eevee Location: Route 8 Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary On Route 8, Red encounters an Eevee. Red wants to catch it but Eevee run away After sometime he founds that Eevee again Red sends Pikachu, Pikachu uses thunder bolt, Eevee uses quick attack and Red throws a great ball He caught an Eevee then he goes to the lavender town To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Ivsaur Pikachu Eevee Badges : 3 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.official Facebook :-  @pokemoniaindia Twitter :-  @pokemoniaindia Pinterest:-  @pokemonia

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-13 Rock Tunnel

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-13 Rock Tunnel Location: Rock Tunnel Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary After winning his 3rd badge, Red goes to a cave name Rock Tunnel. In the cave he saw his rival blue Red said, you again? Let’s fight only one on one Blue said, ok so ready to lose Red sends Bulbasaur, Blue sends Charmeleon Blue said, still not evolved Red said, Yes Blue said, ok let’s finish it, use flame thrower bulbasaur get critical hit Red said, you can do it Then a bright light comes out of bulbasaur Blue said, wow it’s evolving Blubasaur evolves into Ivsaur and uses solar beam, charmeleon fainted Blue said, what it can’t be ok, whatever you win, now I am going out of the cave Red said, ok They both come out from the cave To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Ivsaur Pikachu Badges : 3 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.official Facebook :-  @pokemoniaindia Twitter :-  @pokemoniaindia Pinterest:-  @pokemonia ...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-12 Digglet Location: Digglet’s Cave

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-12 Digglet Location: Digglet’s Cave Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary After the storm end Red wakeup and found him in an island. On that island Red is attack by a group of Digglet. Red sends Pikachu Pikachu uses thunderbolt, it did not effect on digglet, Digglet attack then Pikachu fainted, then Red heard some voices from sky, he saw LT Surge flying with the help of Pidgeotto then he lands. Pidgeotto uses wing attack, Digglet go back to cave. Red was surprise and said, how do you find me? LT Surge said, you are near vermillion city Red said, What? LT Surge gives Pidgeotto to Red including Sun badge Red said, but in the battle I have lost against you LT Surge said, you are a good trainer and a trainer is receives the official Pokemon league badge Red got his 3rd badge and then he says bye to LT Surge and goes ahead. To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Bulbasaur Pikachu Badges : 3 Follow Us:- Instagram :...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-11 S.S Anne

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-11 S.S. Anne Location: S.S. Anne Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Rhydon attacks on Pikachu & Raichu it was a critical hit for both Red said, like this we can’t win LT Surge said, they can combine their attacks Red said, that a good idea then Pikachu uses double team to confuse it, Rhydon become confuse for finding who is the real one then Raichu get the opportunity to use mega kick on Rhydon, after the mega kick Rhydon fainted Team rocket member said, what it can’t be, time to escape go Gyarados, he rides on his Gyarados to cross the sea. Red said, We can use my bulbasaur vine whip to chase him, then they uses its vine whip to chase team rocket On the sea Red said to LT Surge, the waves are strong, bulbasaur vine whip can be lose so you can use my Pidgeotto to kick him in the sea LT Surge use Pidgeotto and then he kicked the team rocket member in the sea, but the waves were too strong, bulbasaur vine whip loses an...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-10 L.T. Surge Location: Vermillion City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-10 L.T. Surge Location: Vermillion City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Finally in Vermillion city Red find S.S. Anne, he entered it, in the cruise he found L.T. Surge Red said, Hi do you know that where is the vermillion city gym LT Surge said, yes but why? Red said, because I want to challenge the gym leader LT Surge said, so you want to challenge me Red said, what so you are the gym leader LT Surge said; yes now let’s start the battle They started the battle in the ship Red send Pikachu, LT Surge send Raichu Red said, what no LT Surge said, you are just a kid, my raichu can easily beat your Pikachu, because it is the evolved form of Pikachu Pikachu uses thunder shock, but it was not very effective, Raichu uses mega punch, Pikachu fainted LT Surge said, I win Red gives Pikachu the max revive then after sometime team rocket member attacked in the cruise Red said, what; team rocket Team rocket member said, give me you...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-9 Bill Location: Sea Cottage

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-9 Bill Location: Sea Cottage Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary It is a sunny day, Red get tired so he need some rest but he was out of the city and on that route there was no poke centre. After sometime he found a sea cottage, he goes and at the name plate he found that it is written that bill’s sea cottage, he was reach to his location, he knocks the door, but no one replies, then he found that the door was open, he enter the cottage. In the cottage he found a Clefairy, red wants to catch it, he throws the pokeball, but Clefairy evaded the ball. Clefairy said, Hey you idiot Red said, how pokemon talk like a human Clefairy said, I am not a pokemon, I am bill the pokemon researcher Red said, but you look like a pokemon Clefairy said, it’s a costume, my teleporting machine can change the bodies of human and pokemon, I have change my body because I want to see the lifestyle of clefairy at mount moon Red said, ok I help you...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-8 Char Char Location: Nugget Bridge

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-8 Char Char Location: Nugget Bridge (Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary) On Nugget Bridge, Red meets Blue. Red said Hi, how your training is going Blue said, better then you Red said; Ok so let’s see that whose training is going good Blue said oh, a battle ok Red send Pikachu, Blue send Machoke Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, Machoke uses cross chop, Pikachu fainted Then Red sends pidgeotto, Blue said oh your pidgey evolves Red said, yes it evolves in the battle between broke Pidgeotto uses wing attack, Machoke Fainted Blue send spearow, Pidgeotto uses peck Spearow also uses peck, then pidgeotto uses wing attack, Spearow fainted Blue sends charmeleon, Charmeleon uses metal claw, Pidgeotto fainted Red sends bulbasaur, blue said, are you an idiot my charmeleon is fire type and bulbasaur is a grass type and fire type can easily beat grass type. Red said, I know but this is my last pokemon. Charmeleon uses ember, bulbasaur fainted...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-7 Misty Location: Celeaulean City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-7 Misty Location: Celeaulean City Finally in Celeaulean City, Red found that there was also a Gym. Red decided to go and battle the gym leader, but first Red goes to heal his Pidgeotto & Bulbasaur, and his newly caught Pikachu, then Red goes to the Gym. Then he found that the gym leader was the water type trainer Misty. Red said, I am here to challenge you for the cascade badge. Misty said, Ok challenge accepted Red sends Pikachu and misty send Starmie Starmie uses swift, Pikachu got critical hit, then Red encouraged Pikachu Then Pikachu use its powerful attack thunder, starmie fainted Misty said, great battle now takes the cascade badge. Red got his 2nd badge, and then Red goes ahead. To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Bulbasaur Pikachu Badges : 2 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.official Facebook :-  @pokemoniaindia Twitter :-  @pokemoniaindia Pinterest:-  @pokemoni...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-6 Mount Moon Location: Route 3, Mount Moon

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-6 Mount Moon Location: Route 3, Mount Moon Writer:- Suryansh Chaudhary On the route 3 Red accidentally pushes a man, the man angrily said “why did you do this?” Red said, I am Sorry Man rudely said, now go home and play, man goes to a cave. Red heard some voices from the bushes Red said, whose there? Then, professor Oak comes out, he said the man you accidentally pushed was a member of team Rocket, it was an evil organization, they are here to steal the moon stone in that cave. Red said, we have to finish their mission, then Red and Oak goes to mount moon. Later, they encountered team rocket, A member said “what I have said you to go home” Red said, No I will not allowed to steal moon stone Team rocket member said, Ok so let’s start the battle, and he sends Voltorb Then Voltorb uses explosion, the explosion was not so strong, but in it too much smoke gathered there, in it team rocket escapes. Red and Oak can’t se...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-5 Brock Location: Pewter City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-5 Brock Location: Pewter City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Finally in pewter city, Red found a Gym. Red wants to battle its gym leader. In the gym red challenges Brock the rock type trainer. Red sends pidgey & Brock sends Onix Brock said, too easy, you are a kid. You did not know that rock type can easily defeat flying. Red said, I know but my Pidgey can easily beat your Onix Onix uses rock tomb, pidgey get critical hit Red said to pidgey, I am sorry that I have forced you to fight with onix and then a bright light comes out of pidgey Brock said, its…its evolving Pidgey evolves into pidgeotto Red said, yes you are evolved, now use a powerful quick attack Onix fainted Brock said, wow you are a good trainer, now you have the right to receive the boulder badge Then Red got him first badge and he goes towards next city. To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Bulbasaur Pikachu Badges : 1 Follow Us:- I...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-4 Pika Pi Location: Viridian Forest

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-4 Pika Pi Location: Viridian Forest Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Still in viridian forest Red encountered a Pikachu, he want to catch it, but it escaped. Red continues towards pewter city. But after10 minutes, Red encountered that Pikachu again, And then Red send Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur uses vine whip and binds it. Pikachu was freed by its thunder shock and climbs on a tree. Then Bulbasaur uses its leech seeds. Then Red send poke ball, Pikachu was caught by Red. Red goes ahead To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgey Bulbasaur Pikachu Badges : 0 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.official Facebook :-  @pokemoniaindia Twitter :-  @pokemoniaindia Pinterest:-  @pokemonia

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter 3 Beedrill Location: Route 1 Viridian City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-3 Beedrill Location: Route-1, Viridian City, Viridian Forest Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary On the route -1, while training with Bulbasaur Red accidentally hit a Beedrill. The Beedrill attacks with the poison string Bulbasaur uses leech seed Beedrill evaded the attack Beedrill attacks Red Red grabbed Bulbasaur and started running, he fall in a lake. Beedrill Goes back. After 5 minutes Red saw him in the viridian city poke centre he was found on the lake side, Red said thanks to nurse Joy. Then he head towards the viridian forest, Red encountered the same Beedrill that he saw on route-1, this time Bulbasaurs leech seed wont missed, Red win’s and goes ahead. To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgey Bulbasaur Badges : 0 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.official Facebook :-  @pokemoniaindia Twitter :-  @pokemoniaindia Pinterest:-  @pokemonia

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-2 Starter, Location: Pallet town

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chepter-2 Starter Location: Pallet town Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary After the Battle with the boy, the next day Red heard by towns people, that the famous professor Oak wants to give a Starter Pokemon to the trainers who wants to set out on a pokemon journey . Red rushed to his lab. Professor Oak said : Oh hi, kid which one Starter did you want. Red chooses Bulbasaur The a boy comes to his lab it was the boy red battled. Red said: What you?? Boy Said: Yes, but whats your name? Red said: I am Red, whats your name? Boy said: I am Blue. Blue chooses Charmander, Professor Oak gives pokedex to the boys. Blue said: Thanks Grandpa Red said: You are his grandson? Blue said: Yes Red challenges Blue to a battle, Blue Agreed. Red send Bulbasaur, Blue send Charmander Bulbasaur uses tackle Charmander uses growl Red said: End it Charmender fainted Blue said: Come back Charmender and go Spearow Bulbasaur uses tackle, it was super effec...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-1 Prologue, Location: Pallet town

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chepter-1 Prologue Location: Pallet town Writer : Suryansh Chaudhary Once an eleven years old boy called red live in pallet town. One day he saw wild Pidgey poisoned by a Weedle, He go and help it, he gave it an antidote, Then he saw a boy have Spearow, the boy attacked Pidgey. Red said : Why did you do this is The Boy said : Sorry it was by mistake, hey you have a Pidgey, Lets fight. Red said: It is wild “But Pidgey want red to be its trainer.” The Boy said: Looks like that the Pidgey wants to be your pokemon. Red Said: What OK Pidgey?? Pidgey happily said: Pidgop Pidgo “Then they start the battle” Pidgey uses tackle Spearow uses peck Pidgey uses sand attack The Boy said: What No Red Said: Now Spearow is blind by sand, now end it Spearow fainted The Boy said: Come back, ok you are the winner now, see you soon Red Said to Pidgey: Lets go home To be continued…….. ...