Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-17 Erika & Team Rocket Hideout Location: Celadon City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-17 Erika & Team Rocket Hideout Location: Celadon City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary They reached to the gaming centre in it they saw team rocket member Red said, where is team rocket hideout Team Rocket Member said, you can’t enter let’s fight Team Rocket Member sends Raticate & Erika sends Vileplume The people in the gaming centre run out of it, Vileplume uses sleep powder & Raticate and team rocket member fall asleep then Red & Erika goes to the team rocket hideout In the hideout they found a man Man said, Hi I am Koga the fuchsia city gym leader and team rocket executer one Red said, ok let’s fight the double pokemon battle Koga sends Weezing & Muk, Red sends Ivysaur and Erika sends Vileplume Koga said, you two have made a big mistake to come in team rocket’s way Red said, let’s see how powerful are you Weezing uses smoke on Red so Red was unable to see a...