Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-13 Rock Tunnel

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-13 Rock Tunnel
Location: Rock Tunnel
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

After winning his 3rd badge, Red goes to a cave name Rock Tunnel.
In the cave he saw his rival blue
Red said, you again? Let’s fight only one on one
Blue said, ok so ready to lose
Red sends Bulbasaur, Blue sends Charmeleon
Blue said, still not evolved
Red said, Yes
Blue said, ok let’s finish it, use flame thrower bulbasaur get critical hit
Red said, you can do it
Then a bright light comes out of bulbasaur
Blue said, wow it’s evolving
Blubasaur evolves into Ivsaur and uses solar beam, charmeleon fainted
Blue said, what it can’t be ok, whatever you win, now I am going out of the cave
Red said, ok
They both come out from the cave

To be continued……..

Pokemon Data:-
Badges : 3

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