Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-1 Prologue, Location: Pallet town

Pokemon Super Red & Blue

(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chepter-1 Prologue
Location: Pallet town
Writer : Suryansh Chaudhary

Once an eleven years old boy called red live in pallet town. One day he saw wild Pidgey poisoned by a Weedle, He go and help it, he gave it an antidote, Then he saw a boy have Spearow, the boy attacked Pidgey.
Red said : Why did you do this is
The Boy said : Sorry it was by mistake, hey you have a Pidgey, Lets fight.
Red said: It is wild
“But Pidgey want red to be its trainer.”
The Boy said: Looks like that the Pidgey wants to be your pokemon.
Red Said: What OK Pidgey??
Pidgey happily said: Pidgop Pidgo
“Then they start the battle”
Pidgey uses tackle
Spearow uses peck
Pidgey uses sand attack
The Boy said: What No
Red Said: Now Spearow is blind by sand, now end it
Spearow fainted
The Boy said: Come back, ok you are the winner now, see you soon
Red Said to Pidgey: Lets go home

To be continued…….. 

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