Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-12 Digglet Location: Digglet’s Cave

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-12 Digglet
Location: Digglet’s Cave
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

After the storm end Red wakeup and found him in an island.
On that island Red is attack by a group of Digglet.
Red sends Pikachu
Pikachu uses thunderbolt, it did not effect on digglet, Digglet attack then Pikachu fainted, then Red heard some voices from sky, he saw LT Surge flying with the help of Pidgeotto then he lands. Pidgeotto uses wing attack, Digglet go back to cave.
Red was surprise and said, how do you find me?
LT Surge said, you are near vermillion city
Red said, What?
LT Surge gives Pidgeotto to Red including Sun badge
Red said, but in the battle I have lost against you
LT Surge said, you are a good trainer and a trainer is receives the official Pokemon league badge
Red got his 3rd badge and then he says bye to LT Surge and goes ahead.

To be continued……..

Pokemon Data:-
Badges : 3

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