Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-8 Char Char Location: Nugget Bridge

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-8 Char Char
Location: Nugget Bridge
(Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary)

On Nugget Bridge, Red meets Blue.
Red said Hi, how your training is going
Blue said, better then you
Red said; Ok so let’s see that whose training is going good
Blue said oh, a battle ok
Red send Pikachu, Blue send Machoke
Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, Machoke uses cross chop, Pikachu fainted
Then Red sends pidgeotto, Blue said oh your pidgey evolves
Red said, yes it evolves in the battle between broke
Pidgeotto uses wing attack, Machoke Fainted
Blue send spearow, Pidgeotto uses peck
Spearow also uses peck, then pidgeotto uses wing attack, Spearow fainted
Blue sends charmeleon, Charmeleon uses metal claw, Pidgeotto fainted
Red sends bulbasaur, blue said, are you an idiot my charmeleon is fire type and bulbasaur is a grass type and fire type can easily beat grass type.
Red said, I know but this is my last pokemon.
Charmeleon uses ember, bulbasaur fainted
Blue said, looks like you need more training, now I am going to next city, bye loser
Red said, to himself he can easily beat my pokemon now by accidently if me and blue battle in the pokemon league, what would happen? Then Red goes to meet bill as he knows more about pokemon.

To be continued……..

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