Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter 3 Beedrill Location: Route 1 Viridian City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-3 Beedrill
Location: Route-1, Viridian City, Viridian Forest
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

On the route -1, while training with Bulbasaur Red accidentally hit a Beedrill.
The Beedrill attacks with the poison string
Bulbasaur uses leech seed
Beedrill evaded the attack
Beedrill attacks Red
Red grabbed Bulbasaur and started running, he fall in a lake. Beedrill Goes back.
After 5 minutes Red saw him in the viridian city poke centre he was found on the lake side, Red said thanks to nurse Joy.
Then he head towards the viridian forest, Red encountered the same Beedrill that he saw on route-1, this time Bulbasaurs leech seed wont missed, Red win’s and goes ahead.

To be continued……..

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