Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-10 L.T. Surge Location: Vermillion City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-10 L.T. Surge
Location: Vermillion City
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

Finally in Vermillion city Red find S.S. Anne, he entered it, in the cruise he found L.T. Surge
Red said, Hi do you know that where is the vermillion city gym
LT Surge said, yes but why?
Red said, because I want to challenge the gym leader
LT Surge said, so you want to challenge me
Red said, what so you are the gym leader
LT Surge said; yes now let’s start the battle
They started the battle in the ship
Red send Pikachu, LT Surge send Raichu
Red said, what no
LT Surge said, you are just a kid, my raichu can easily beat your Pikachu, because it is the evolved form of Pikachu
Pikachu uses thunder shock, but it was not very effective, Raichu uses mega punch, Pikachu fainted
LT Surge said, I win
Red gives Pikachu the max revive then after sometime team rocket member attacked in the cruise
Red said, what; team rocket
Team rocket member said, give me your all pokemon (then he sees Red), What you are that kid whose spoil our plans at mount moon?
Red said, yes now go back
Team rocket member said, no let’s start a battle
Red & LT Surge sends Pikachu & Raichu, Team rocket member send Rhydon, then Team rocket member laugh and said, you will can’t win because my Rhydon is a ground type pokemon and you send electric type and electric moves are not effective against ground type, now Rhydon attack…..

To be continued……..

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