Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-9 Bill Location: Sea Cottage

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-9 Bill
Location: Sea Cottage
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

It is a sunny day, Red get tired so he need some rest but he was out of the city and on that route there was no poke centre. After sometime he found a sea cottage, he goes and at the name plate he found that it is written that bill’s sea cottage, he was reach to his location, he knocks the door, but no one replies, then he found that the door was open, he enter the cottage. In the cottage he found a Clefairy, red wants to catch it, he throws the pokeball, but Clefairy evaded the ball.
Clefairy said, Hey you idiot
Red said, how pokemon talk like a human
Clefairy said, I am not a pokemon, I am bill the pokemon researcher
Red said, but you look like a pokemon
Clefairy said, it’s a costume, my teleporting machine can change the bodies of human and pokemon, I have change my body because I want to see the lifestyle of clefairy at mount moon
Red said, ok I help you, then Red start the machine, bill’s body comes back to a human body
Bill said, thank you, but why are you here?
Red said, I want to know that in the kanto region, how many pokemon lived
Bill said, Who are you, why do you want to know that?
Red said, my name is Red and I am a pokemon trainer, I got a task to finish up the pokedex for professor oak
Bill said, ok I tell you, there are 151 pokemons
Red said, but I heard that there are 150 pokemons so I am confused because some people said that there are 149 pokemons, so who are the 151st pokemon?
Bill said, Mew the phantom pokemon
Red said, I don’t see it before
Bill said, Yes because it is a legendary pokemon, it flows around the kanto region
Red said, Thank you for the information, bye
Bill said, but first takes this S.S.anne ticket, I want to go in this party but I have a lot’s of work
Red said, ok thanks see you soon

To be continued……..

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