Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-2 Starter, Location: Pallet town

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chepter-2 Starter
Location: Pallet town
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

After the Battle with the boy, the next day Red heard by towns people, that the famous professor Oak wants to give a Starter Pokemon to the trainers who wants to set out on a pokemon journey . Red rushed to his lab.
Professor Oak said : Oh hi, kid which one Starter did you want.
Red chooses Bulbasaur
The a boy comes to his lab it was the boy red battled.
Red said: What you??
Boy Said: Yes, but whats your name?
Red said: I am Red, whats your name?
Boy said: I am Blue.
Blue chooses Charmander, Professor Oak gives pokedex to the boys.
Blue said: Thanks Grandpa
Red said: You are his grandson?
Blue said: Yes
Red challenges Blue to a battle, Blue Agreed.
Red send Bulbasaur, Blue send Charmander
Bulbasaur uses tackle
Charmander uses growl
Red said: End it
Charmender fainted
Blue said: Come back Charmender and go Spearow
Bulbasaur uses tackle, it was super effective on Spearow and it is fainted
Blue said: Come back ok Red you win again, bye
Red said: Bye
Professor Oak said: Good Luck for your journey.

To be continued……..

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