Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-6 Mount Moon Location: Route 3, Mount Moon

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-6 Mount Moon
Location: Route 3, Mount Moon
Writer:- Suryansh Chaudhary

On the route 3 Red accidentally pushes a man, the man angrily said “why did you do this?”
Red said, I am Sorry
Man rudely said, now go home and play, man goes to a cave.
Red heard some voices from the bushes
Red said, whose there?
Then, professor Oak comes out, he said the man you accidentally pushed was a member of team Rocket, it was an evil organization, they are here to steal the moon stone in that cave.
Red said, we have to finish their mission, then Red and Oak goes to mount moon.
Later, they encountered team rocket, A member said “what I have said you to go home”
Red said, No I will not allowed to steal moon stone
Team rocket member said, Ok so let’s start the battle, and he sends Voltorb
Then Voltorb uses explosion, the explosion was not so strong, but in it too much smoke gathered there, in it team rocket escapes.
Red and Oak can’t see anything, Smoke disappeared, but after 10 minutes Red and Oak again encounter team rocket
Team Rocket Member said, what you again, Ok now let’s end this go Voltorb, Voltorb uses explosion but this time Pidgeotto reduces smoke and uses quick attack on team rocket and they were blasted off.
Oak said to Red, Thank for your help, now go ahead and face your next gym leader, but first can I see your pokedex data
Red said, of course
Oak said after seen the pokedex data, hmmm… Your data is 7 seen and 4 caught; you should still need to work hard, and now bye.
Red said, bye professor
Then Red goes ahead.

To be continued……..

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