Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-5 Brock Location: Pewter City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-5 Brock
Location: Pewter City
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

Finally in pewter city, Red found a Gym. Red wants to battle its gym leader. In the gym red challenges Brock the rock type trainer.
Red sends pidgey & Brock sends Onix
Brock said, too easy, you are a kid. You did not know that rock type can easily defeat flying.
Red said, I know but my Pidgey can easily beat your Onix
Onix uses rock tomb, pidgey get critical hit
Red said to pidgey, I am sorry that I have forced you to fight with onix and then a bright light comes out of pidgey
Brock said, its…its evolving
Pidgey evolves into pidgeotto
Red said, yes you are evolved, now use a powerful quick attack
Onix fainted
Brock said, wow you are a good trainer, now you have the right to receive the boulder badge
Then Red got him first badge and he goes towards next city.

To be continued……..

Pokemon Data:-
Badges : 1

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