Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-7 Misty Location: Celeaulean City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-7 Misty
Location: Celeaulean City

Finally in Celeaulean City, Red found that there was also a Gym.
Red decided to go and battle the gym leader, but first Red goes to heal his Pidgeotto & Bulbasaur, and his newly caught Pikachu, then Red goes to the Gym.
Then he found that the gym leader was the water type trainer Misty.
Red said, I am here to challenge you for the cascade badge.
Misty said, Ok challenge accepted
Red sends Pikachu and misty send Starmie
Starmie uses swift, Pikachu got critical hit, then Red encouraged Pikachu
Then Pikachu use its powerful attack thunder, starmie fainted
Misty said, great battle now takes the cascade badge.
Red got his 2nd badge, and then Red goes ahead.

To be continued……..

Pokemon Data:-
Badges : 2

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