Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-15 Ghost in Town Location: Lavender Town

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-15 Ghost in Town
Location: Lavender Town
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

 Finally in Lavender Town, Red saw an old man in the grave yard praying for his doduo
Old Man said, Hi I am Fuji
Red said, why don’t you bury your pokemon in the pokemon tower
Fuji said, because in that tower there is a ghost, the people don’t know that it is a pokemons ghost or a ghost type pokemon
Red goes to checkout that tower, in the tower he found blue
Blue said, are you here to checkout about the ghost
Red said, yes
Blue said, I was also here for that but can’t find anything my golduck also here to find about the ghost
Red said, wow your new pokemon
Blue said, yes, my spearow & machoke also evolved now I am going  
Blue goes back to the town for next city
After 10 minutes Red encounters a Haunter
Red said, so you are the ghost and throws a great ball on haunter
Haunter was caught by Red, after that Red goes back to outside to meet Fuji
Red tell about the ghost
Then Fuji clear out to town peoples about the ghost
Everyone said thanks to Red
Red goes ahead

To be continued……..

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