
Showing posts with the label Super Red & Blue

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-33 Epilogue Location: Pallet Town

Red the Champion of Pokemon Super Red & Blue Series Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-33 Epilogue Location: Pallet Town Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   Red, The champion of Kanto return to back to Pallet town everyone that meets him on his journey cheers Red in the party by professor Oak Meanwhile Blue comes to Professor Oak Blue said, why….why…..did I lost I follow your all tips Oak said, yes I know you follow but one you did not followed Blue said, What? Oak said, To treat your pokemon with love and trust Blue said, you are right but now what can do? Oak said, train your pokemon better with love and trust to become next year’s champion Blue said, yes now time for revenge Oak said, no you keep your friendly rivalry with Red and keep working on the pokedex Then Red comes Oak said, wow I am proud of you Red said, thanks but I am here that party in going on so let’s come Blue said, yes champion Then they go out o...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-32 Blue Location: Indigo Plateau

Red Pokemons Snorlax Gengar Flareon Pikachu Venusaur & Pidgeot Blue Pokemons Rhydon Butterfree Golduck Machamp Charizard & Fearow Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-32 Blue Location: Indigo Plateau Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   Announcer said, now our two finalists are Red and Blue Red was shocked and said, WHAT!!! Blue in my next opponent Blue said, wow Red now let’s sees whose Pokémon are well trained Red comes back in his room and lie on the bed He said to himself, tomorrow is my life’s greatest match Then at the morning Red and Blue comes to their final stage of their journey Red said, now can we start Blue said, do you know our all matches that we fought Red said, yes our first match at pallet town when I first time met you and my first Pokémon, Pidgey now let’s see who is strong Blue Blue said, yes Red sends Snorlax Blue sends Rhydon Snorlax uses mega kick Rhydon fainted Blue said, wow you are strong but...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-31 Semi Finals Location: Indigo Plateau

Pikachu Beedrill Charmeleon Venusaur Pokemon Battle  Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-31 Semi Finals Location: Indigo Plateau Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Red goes to round-2 in it he defeats Squirtle, Seadra and a golem with Venusaur Red said, it was too easy now I am a semi finalist Announcer said, now we got our semi finalist After it at evening at the city Red found Blue Blue said, wow you are also in semi-finals like me Red said, you also? Blue said, yes my Charizard easily beat other contestant’s Pokémon Then Blue goes back to his hotel Red said to himself, wow looks like his Charizard is between level 60 to 70 Then Red also goes back to his hotel The next day Red goes for his semi finals In it Red battles a boy named Ritchie Red said, okay let’s fight Ritchie said, yes go Beedrill Red sends Pikachu Pikachu uses thunder bolt Beedrill fainted Ritchie said, wow what a Pokémon but not strong than this go...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-30 Round-1 Location: Indigo Plateau

Gengar vs Exeggutor, Kingler & Scyther Pokemon Battle Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-30 Round-1 Location: Indigo Plateau Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Finally in indigo league red found that 1 st and semi-final rounds were 3 on 3 and final was 6 on 6 Red said to himself, now this is the time test my training Red goes to Round-1 in it Red battles Mandi Mandi said, wow a kid ok let’s finish it quick kid Red said, no I will finish it go Gengar Mandi sends Exeggutor Gengar uses shadow punch Exeggutor   fainted Mandi sends Kingler Gengar uses shadow ball Kingler fainted Mandi sends Scyther Gengar uses sneak attack Scyther fainted Mandi said, what no Red said, yes I win Announcer said, now Red goes to Round-2 To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeot Venusaur Pikachu Flareon Gengar Snorlax Badges : 8 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokem...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-29 Mewtwo Location: Viridian City

Mewtwo vs Pikachu Pokemon Battle Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-29 Mewtwo Location: Viridian City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Red said, what is it Giovanni said, my creation from mew to Mewtwo Giovanni sends Mewtwo Red said, M..M…MEWTWO!!!!! Giovanni said, yes the most powerful pokemon in Kanto region that my scientists have created Mewtwo defeated Pikachu Red said, NOOOOOOO!!!! Pikachu come back Giovanni said, your journey ends here Then unexpectedly Mew arrived Red said, MEW, the phantom pokemon Giovanni said, Mewtwo attack I want to catch it An intense battle takes place But finally mew wins and goes back Mewtwo left Giovanni and goes to the wild Giovanni said, what…what how it can be possible Red said, Mewtwo was created and mew was original so mew can easily beat Giovanni said, this is not my last organisation I have more in other regions Giovanni escaped Red sa...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-28 Last Gym Location: Viridian City

Pikachu vs Rhydon Pokemon Battle Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-28 Last Gym Location: Viridian City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Back in Viridian city Red saw that there was also a gym Red said, wow now let’s go to gym Red found a man He said, hi Red Red said, how do you know my name? He said, I am Giovanni I know you from Team Rocket Red said, but the all become well Giovanni said, not the members only executers Red said, who are you ? Are you executer-4? He said, no you are wrong I am Team Rocket’s leader…rrrr Red said, what ok so let’s fight Giovanni I will end this battle myself Red sends Pikachu, Giovanni sends Rhydon Pikachu uses thunder bolt Not very effective Rhydon uses earthquack Pikachu get critical hit Red said, Pikachu you can do it Pikachu uses discharge Rhydon fainted Red said, I win Giovanni you are defeated Giovanni said, not now Red said, what do you mean? Giovanni said, my pow...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-27 Mansion Location: Cinnabar Island

Pikachu vs Ditto Battle Story Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-27 Mansion    Location: Cinnabar Island Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Finally in cinnabar island, Red found an old mansion Red said to himself, it looks like there was also a ghost like lavender city, He entered in it In it he found a ditto he wants to catch it Red throws an ultra ball but the attempt failed Red said, what!!! ok I know that this pokemon has a trainer Then he heard a voice, you are right Red said, who are you ? It said, hi I am Duplica Red said, I am Red so this is your pokemon She said, yes can we fight Red said, yes go Pikachu She sends ditto, ditto use transform ditto changed into Pikachu Pikachu uses thunder bolt, not very effective Ditto uses slam, Pikachu get critical hit Red said, wow you are strong but not than me use ….. mega punch Ditto fainted Duplica said, wow that was a good battle ok you win Red said, okay bye S...