Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-32 Blue Location: Indigo Plateau

Red Pokemons Snorlax Gengar Flareon Pikachu Venusaur & Pidgeot

Blue Pokemons Rhydon Butterfree Golduck Machamp Charizard & Fearow

Pokemon Super Red & Blue

(Inspired by Pokemon Company)

Chapter-32 Blue

Location: Indigo Plateau

Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

 Announcer said, now our two finalists are Red and Blue

Red was shocked and said, WHAT!!! Blue in my next opponent

Blue said, wow Red now let’s sees whose Pokémon are well trained

Red comes back in his room and lie on the bed

He said to himself, tomorrow is my life’s greatest match

Then at the morning Red and Blue comes to their final stage of their journey

Red said, now can we start

Blue said, do you know our all matches that we fought

Red said, yes our first match at pallet town when I first time met you and my first Pokémon, Pidgey now let’s see who is strong Blue

Blue said, yes

Red sends Snorlax Blue sends Rhydon

Snorlax uses mega kick Rhydon fainted

Blue said, wow you are strong but not then me

Blue sends Buttefree

Butterfree uses sleep powder

Snorlax fell asleep

Red sends Gengar

Butterfree uses sleep powder

Gengar fell asleep

Red sends Flareon

Butterfree uses sleep powder

Flareon fell asleep

Red said, what it can’t be

Blue said, it’s my training

Red sends Pikachu

Pikachu uses thunder bolt

Butterfree fainted

Blue sends Golduck

Pikachu uses thunder shock

Golduck fainted

Blue said, what’s this!!!

Red said, this is my training

Blue sends Machamp

Pikachu uses discharge

Machamp fainted

Blue sends Charizard

Charizard uses fire blast

Pikachu fainted

Red sends Venusaur

Blue sends, what you serious are

Red said, yes my Venusaur is too powerful than last time

Venusaur uses solar beam Charizard uses flamethrower

An intense battle takes place but finally Venusaur wins

Blue said, h.. h..how this happen 

Red said, I win?

Blue said, no still one left it is my most strongest Pokémon, FEAROW !!!!!!!!

Blue sends Fearow

Fearow uses Drill peck

Venusaur fainted

Red said, okay now time for this GO PIDGEOT!!!

Pidgeot uses air slash

Fearow uses drill peck

Pidgeot uses wing attack

Fearow fainted

Blue said, what no how it can be I have to talk to grandpa

Announcer said, now we got our new champion is REEEEEEEEEEEDDD!!!!!!!!

Red is crowned as the Kanto champion

Red said to his Pokémon, Thank you because of you this happened thanks Pidgeot, Venusaur, Pikachu, Flareon, Gengar and Snorlax

Then both of them goes to their town pallet town

To be continued……..

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