Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-33 Epilogue Location: Pallet Town

Red the Champion of Pokemon Super Red & Blue Series

Pokemon Super Red & Blue

(Inspired by Pokemon Company)

Chapter-33 Epilogue

Location: Pallet Town

Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary 

Red, The champion of Kanto return to back to Pallet town everyone that meets him on his journey cheers Red in the party by professor Oak

Meanwhile Blue comes to Professor Oak

Blue said, why….why…..did I lost I follow your all tips

Oak said, yes I know you follow but one you did not followed

Blue said, What?

Oak said, To treat your pokemon with love and trust

Blue said, you are right but now what can do?

Oak said, train your pokemon better with love and trust to become next year’s champion

Blue said, yes now time for revenge

Oak said, no you keep your friendly rivalry with Red and keep working on the pokedex

Then Red comes

Oak said, wow I am proud of you

Red said, thanks but I am here that party in going on so let’s come

Blue said, yes champion

Then they go out of the lab

The End

More series coming soon

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