Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-30 Round-1 Location: Indigo Plateau

Gengar vs Exeggutor, Kingler & Scyther Pokemon Battle

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-30 Round-1
Location: Indigo Plateau
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

Finally in indigo league red found that 1st and semi-final rounds were 3 on 3 and final was 6 on 6

Red said to himself, now this is the time test my training

Red goes to Round-1 in it Red battles Mandi

Mandi said, wow a kid ok let’s finish it quick kid

Red said, no I will finish it go Gengar

Mandi sends Exeggutor

Gengar uses shadow punch

Exeggutor  fainted

Mandi sends Kingler

Gengar uses shadow ball

Kingler fainted

Mandi sends Scyther

Gengar uses sneak attack

Scyther fainted

Mandi said, what no

Red said, yes I win

Announcer said, now Red goes to Round-2

To be continued……..

Pokemon Data:-
Badges : 8

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