Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-31 Semi Finals Location: Indigo Plateau

Pikachu Beedrill Charmeleon Venusaur Pokemon Battle 

Pokemon Super Red & Blue

(Inspired by Pokemon Company)

Chapter-31 Semi Finals

Location: Indigo Plateau

Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

Red goes to round-2 in it he defeats Squirtle, Seadra and a golem with Venusaur

Red said, it was too easy now I am a semi finalist

Announcer said, now we got our semi finalist

After it at evening at the city Red found Blue

Blue said, wow you are also in semi-finals like me

Red said, you also?

Blue said, yes my Charizard easily beat other contestant’s Pokémon

Then Blue goes back to his hotel

Red said to himself, wow looks like his Charizard is between level 60 to 70

Then Red also goes back to his hotel

The next day Red goes for his semi finals

In it Red battles a boy named Ritchie

Red said, okay let’s fight

Ritchie said, yes go Beedrill

Red sends Pikachu

Pikachu uses thunder bolt

Beedrill fainted

Ritchie said, wow what a Pokémon but not strong than this go Charmeleon

Red said, wow okay Pikachu use slam

It was missed

Charmeleon uses flamethrower

Pikachu fainted

Red sends Venusaur

Venusaur uses earth power

Charmeleon fainted

Ritchie sends Pikachu

Venusaur uses solarbeam

Pikachu fainted

Red said, I win very good venusaur

Announcer said now our two finalists are Red and….

To be continued……..

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