Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-28 Last Gym Location: Viridian City

Pikachu vs Rhydon Pokemon Battle

Pokemon Super Red & Blue
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Chapter-28 Last Gym
Location: Viridian City
Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

Back in Viridian city Red saw that there was also a gym
Red said, wow now let’s go to gym
Red found a man
He said, hi Red
Red said, how do you know my name?
He said, I am Giovanni I know you from Team Rocket
Red said, but the all become well
Giovanni said, not the members only executers
Red said, who are you ? Are you executer-4?
He said, no you are wrong I am Team Rocket’s leader…rrrr
Red said, what ok so let’s fight Giovanni I will end this battle myself
Red sends Pikachu, Giovanni sends Rhydon
Pikachu uses thunder bolt
Not very effective
Rhydon uses earthquack Pikachu get critical hit
Red said, Pikachu you can do it
Pikachu uses discharge Rhydon fainted
Red said, I win Giovanni you are defeated
Giovanni said, not now
Red said, what do you mean?
Giovanni said, my power house

To be continued……..

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