Pokemon Super Yellow Chapter-1 Prologue Location: Viridian Forest
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Arbok vs Pikachu Pokemon Battle |
Super Yellow
(Inspired by Pokemon Company)
Viridian Forest
In the Forest he heard some sound of a girl saying HELP HELP
He goes and found that a girl is attacking by an Arbok
Red said, do not worry I will help you
Red sends Pikachu
Pikachu uses thunder bolt
Arbok uses poison string but it missed
Pikachu uses quick attack Arbok fainted
The girl said, thanks I am yellow what’s your name
Red said, I am Red
Yellow said, wow you…you are the champion of Kanto
Red said, yes
Yellow said, wow you pokemon are cool I also want one like
Then Red catch a Venonat and give it to Yellow
Yellow said, thanks
Red said, welcome but now be careful as there are many
dangerous pokemon
Yellow said, okay bye
Red said, bye
Then Red goes to continue his training and Yellow goes to
her city
To be continued…
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