Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-25 Psychic Location: Saffron City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue

(Inspired by Pokemon Company)

Chapter-25 Psychic  

Location: Saffron City

Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary

Red sends Ivysaur and Pidgeotto

Sabrina sends Alakazam and Mr.Mime

Sabrina said, both of you combine your attacks, use psybeam

Then Ivysaur and Pidgeotto get critical hit

Red said, you both can do

Then Red sees that both Ivysaur and Pidgeotto are evolving at same time Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot and Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur

Red said, yes now use solar beam and whirl wind combine your attacks

Mr.Mime and Alakazam fainted

Sabrina said how this is happen?

Red said, now leave team rocket if you not do this then you were in jail

Sabrina said, you are right now I will leave team rocket and go back to my gym

But by their strong attacks building started collapsing but by sabrina’s teleportation power they were saved

Red said, thanks

Sabrina said, no your thanks you teaches me to come on the right track bye

Red said, bye  

Then red goes ahead     

To be continued……..

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