
Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-24 Koga and Blaine Location: Saffron City

Pokemon Battle Weezing & Arcanine v/s Snorlax & Gengar Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-24 Koga and Blaine   Location: Saffron City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary Red encounters Koga and Blaine Koga said, we meet again let’s end this Blaine said, yes now we fight a double pokemon battle Then koga and blaine sends Weezing & Arcanine Red sends Snorlax & Gengar Snorlax uses mega punch on Weezing and Gengar uses shadow punch on Arcanine Weezing and Arcanine fainted Koga and Blaine said together, what do you want? Red said, leave team rocket and go back to your gym, if you not do this then you were found in the jail Koga said, you are a kid but you taught us a big lesson Blaine said, yes now we leave team rocket and go back to our gyms Then they both go out to their gym Then Red again encounters Sabrina She said, you are a cheater now your journey ends here Red said, Ok let’s fight a double pokemon battl...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-23 Sabrina Location: Saffron City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-23 Sabrina   Location: Saffron City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   In the building Red see that there are not any guards but instead of guards there are team rocket members, Red is fully sure about that the building is team rocket headquarter Red said to himself, I know that this is the headquarter of team rocket, now time for a final showdown Then Red defeated all the members and found a women She said, I am the Saffron city gym leader Sabrina and team rocket executer number 3, let’s fight now Sabrina sends Alakazam and Red sends Ivysaur Ivysaur uses razor leaf and Alakazam uses psybeam Ivysaur sleep powder and both Alakazam and Sabrina fall asleep Red founds Marsh badge Then Red goes to defeat Koga and Blaine      To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Ivsaur Pikachu Flareon Gengar Snorlax Badges : 7 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemoni...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-22 Silph Company Location: Saffron City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-22 Silph Company Location: Saffron City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary     Finally in Saffron city Red found Blue Blue said, Hi Red said, Let’s fight Blue said, not now Red said, why? Blue said, because I am here to take the master ball for profession Oak but the company employees are rude, they did not give me the master ball Then blue fly on his Charizard and goes back to pallet town, then Red see that the whole city is full of team rocket members Red said to himself, The city is full of team rocket members and the company employees are rude so may be the team rocket headquarter was in this building, I have to check it out, if it is true then time to spoil all evil plans of team rocket Then Red goes to the building     To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Ivsaur Pikachu Flareon Gengar Snorlax Badges : 6 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.officia...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-21 Blaine Location: Route 18

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-21 Blaine Location: Route 18 Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary  On route 18 Red found a man Man said, hi I am Blaine, the cinnabar island gym leader & team rocket executer number 2 Red said, how many executers are there? Blaine said, total are 3, I am here to test your powers Red said, why? Blaine said, Koga tell me about you so I test your powers and then we will steal your pokemons Blaine sends Arcanine and Red sends Pikachu Arcanine uses fire blast and Pikachu get critical hit Red said, you can’t win Pikachu so please come back, but Pikachu wants to fight Pikachu uses thunder, Arcanine and blaine blasted off Red see Volcano badge on the ground Red gets his sixth badge and then said to Pikachu, you are such a strong pokemon Red said to himself, I have to find team rockets headquarters because now this is enough Red goes ahead       To be continued…….. ...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-20 Safari Zone Location: Fuchsia City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-20 Safari Zone Location: Fuchsia City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary  Finally in fuchsia city Red saw a safari zone, Red entered it In the safari zone he found his rival Blue they started a two on two battles Blue sends Rhydon and Red sends Gengar Red said, your new pokemon Blue said, yes my charmeleon also evolved Gengar uses shadow punch and Rhydon uses earth quack, Gengar fainted Red said, how is it possible my gengar is of level 38 Blue said, my Rhydon is level 40 so it is easy to beat it Red sends Ivysaur Ivysaur uses solar beam, Rhydon fainted Blue sends Charizard Charizard uses fire spin, Ivysaur fainted Red said, ok you win Blue goes out to Cinnabar Island Red goes to do more training  To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Ivsaur Pikachu Flareon Gengar Snorlax Badges : 5 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.official Facebook :...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-19 Bike Race Location: Route 17

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-19 Bike Race Location: Route 17 Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   On Route 17 Red takes part in a bike race with other racers The price for the winner is USD 5000$ Dollar The announcer said, all the racers are ready so let’s start race now 3, 2, 1 Go… Red and other bikers start it After 15 minutes they all stopped because of a road blocked which is there was a sleeping Snorlax Red said to himself Wow I have an ultraball so time to catch it now Red sends haunter and plays the pokemon flute Snorlax awake and attacked him but haunter saves red Red throws the ultraball on Snorlax and Snorlax was caught Then Red sees that his haunter was evolved into Gengar Then he continue the race and he win this contest He goes to next city To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Ivsaur Pikachu Flareon Gengar Snorlax Badges : 5 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-18 Koga Location: Celadon City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-18 Koga Location: Celadon City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   While in the battle Red replaces Ivsaur with Pidgeotto Pidgeotto reduces smoke then Weezing uses tackle, Pidgeotto uses wing attack Weezing fainted Then Erika replaces Vilepume with Tangela, Tangela uses constrict & Muk fainted Koga said, what how can you defeat them ? Red said, my and Erika training is for good Then Pidgeotto uses wing attack and Tangela uses constrict Koga was blasted off Red see soul badge on the ground which is left by koga Then Erika also gives Red the Rainbow badge Erika goes to her gym and Red continues his journey To be continued…….. Pokemon Data:- Pidgeotto Ivsaur Pikachu Flareon Haunter Badges : 5 Follow Us:- Instagram :-  @pokemonia.official Facebook :-  @pokemoniaindia Twitter :-  @pokemoniaindia Pinterest:-  @pokemonia Linkedin:-  @pokem...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-17 Erika & Team Rocket Hideout Location: Celadon City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-17 Erika & Team Rocket Hideout Location: Celadon City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   They reached to the gaming centre in it they saw team rocket member Red said, where is team rocket hideout Team Rocket Member said, you can’t enter let’s fight Team Rocket Member sends Raticate & Erika sends Vileplume The people in the gaming centre run out of it, Vileplume uses sleep powder & Raticate and team rocket member fall asleep then Red & Erika goes to the team rocket hideout In the hideout they found a man Man said, Hi I am Koga the fuchsia city gym leader and team rocket executer one Red said, ok let’s fight the double pokemon battle Koga sends Weezing & Muk, Red sends Ivysaur and Erika sends Vileplume Koga said, you two have made a big mistake to come in team rocket’s way Red said, let’s see how powerful are you Weezing uses smoke on Red so Red was unable to see a...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-16 Stones Location: Celadon City

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-16 Stones   Location: Celadon City Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   Finally in celadon city, Red founds a stone shop; he got an idea to evolve his Eevee into Flareon Red goes and buys a fire stone and evolves his Eevee into Flareon After that team rocket member attacks in the shop Team Rocket Member said, give me your all stones Red said; no let’s fight first, Red sends Flareon Team rocket sends Vapoureon Flareon uses ember and Vapoureon uses water gun, Flareon fainted then a women comes there and defeated Vapoureon Team Rocket Member escapes Red said, Thanks but who are you? She said, I am Erika the Celeadon City team leader Red said, let’s fight but Erika disagrees Red said, why? Erika said, because there were many thefts and all those goes to the game corner, it means the team rocket hides in it, so I want you to fight against them Red said, ok let’s go To be continu...

Pokemon Super Red & Blue Chapter-15 Ghost in Town Location: Lavender Town

Pokemon Super Red & Blue (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-15 Ghost in Town Location: Lavender Town Writer: Suryansh Chaudhary   Finally in Lavender Town, Red saw an old man in the grave yard praying for his doduo Old Man said, Hi I am Fuji Red said, why don’t you bury your pokemon in the pokemon tower Fuji said, because in that tower there is a ghost, the people don’t know that it is a pokemons ghost or a ghost type pokemon Red goes to checkout that tower, in the tower he found blue Blue said, are you here to checkout about the ghost Red said, yes Blue said, I was also here for that but can’t find anything my golduck also here to find about the ghost Red said, wow your new pokemon Blue said, yes, my spearow & machoke also evolved now I am going   Blue goes back to the town for next city After 10 minutes Red encounters a Haunter Red said, so you are the ghost and throws a great ball on haunter Haunter was caught by Re...