Pokemon Super Yellow Chapter-2 Where is Red

Red Missing? Pokemon Stories Pokemon Super Yellow (Inspired by Pokemon Company) Chapter-2 Where is Red Location: Viridian Forest After 2 years of the league Red receive a letter from a man named petrel in it he see that there is a challenge from petrel Red said to himself, wow a challenge it means time train my Pokémon more Then he goes after telling to professor Oak 3 days have passed Red did not come then oak talked to Blaine Blaine said, hmm I understand petrel was Team Rocket executer Oak said, what but Red told me that there are only you three Blaine said, yes but they are from other regions that kidnapped Red Oak said, okay I will find him Blaine said, all the best Then Oak cut Blaine phone and goes to find Red but on Route-1 a wild Pikachu attacked him To be continued… Pokémon Data Venonat Follow Us:- Instagram :- @pokemonia.official Facebook :- @pokemoniaindia Twitter :- @pokemoniaindia Pinterest:- @pokemonia Linkedi...